Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®)/MAP for Primary Grades MPG® (MPG)
These tests determine your child’s instructional level and measure academic growth throughout the 2015-2016 school year as well as from year to year in the areas of reading, language, and math.
MAP/MPG® tests are unique adaptive tests your child takes on a computer. The test is leveled based on your child’s chosen answers. Therefore, your child takes a test specifically created for his or her learning level.
Your child’s MAP/MPG ® results are reported in RIT scores. This is a different type of score than a typical test that provides a percentage correct. It is also different than many tests that provide results based on your child’s score compared to others in his or her grade. Instead, the RIT score is an equal-interval scale, like feet and inches, that is independent of grade level. As a result, we can easily measure growth in learning. This type of score increases the value of the tests as a tool to improve student learning because it enables teachers to recognize where to focus attention for your child’s learning.
Also included on this report is your child’s Lexile Range – This range indicates a student’s reading ability and can be correlated to difficulty levels of reading materials. You can find more information about this measurement at the Lexile website.
Thank you for taking an active interest in your child’s education.