Services Provided


Tutoring is available at the Elementary level.


The Title VI Parent Committee periodically has resources to offer graduating seniors who will be attending college, trade school, or enlisting with the military. The applications will be provided to seniors if resources are available. Minimum qualifications would be: cumulative g.p.a. of 2.5, two teacher/coach/employer recommendation, and a minimum of (6) volunteer hours directly assisting the Indian Ed activities. (The Coordinator will organize hours with the student.) Academic award recipients in general are notified and acknowledged for their achievements at the Spring Feast ceremony.

In addition, the following resources could lead to financial assistance for college:

Culture and Craft Classes

Presentations of culture and craft classes are included in each school building throughout the year. The Title VI Parent Committee hosts the Fall and Spring Feasts each school year.

Reading Materials & Videos

The Title VI Program has many Native American books, magazines and videos available for student or teacher use.

Transparency Reporting